
Accoya® wood

From the perfect mix of nature, technology and design, Accoya® wood panels are born: a new variety of wood obtained from sustainable forests , which guarantees exceptional performance. First of all, a high resistance even in the most difficult environments.

The new Accoya® cladding panels for armored doors are available in all Dierre Partner stores.

Lemn Accoya®


The solid wood panels of the Accoya® collection guarantee exceptional characteristics of dimensional stability, durability and resistance to climatic factors, managing to maintain the beauty and value of the original material.

Accoya® is produced with sustainable raw materials using acetylation : a non-toxic chemical impregnation process that modifies the structure of the wood, affecting its physical and mechanical characteristics. This is not a simple treatment, but a process of cellular modification of the wood in the entire cross section, completely
non-toxic and which considerably decreases the ability of the wood to absorb water, giving it greater dimensional stability and exceptional durability.

Ideal for outdoor applications - it has proven to be highly resistant to the most prohibitive environments - it is guaranteed for 50 years above ground , does not require maintenance and can be completely recycled thanks to its non-toxicity.

A choice with a sustainable soul that will accompany you over time!


Detail of Mahogany stained Accoya® upholstery, framed model 7a

The main characteristics of Accoya® wood®

Stabilitate dimensională

Dimensional stability
Reduction of swelling and shrinkage by 75%. The duration of painting and varnishing is tripled or quadrupled with significantly reduced maintenance costs.

Durabilitate clasa 1

Class 1 durability
The highest and most certified, more resistant than teak.

Rezistență la ciuperci și insecte
Resistance to fungi and insects
Immune to insects and xylographic microorganisms. Immune to rot.

Non-toxic, durabil și de încredere

Non-toxic, sustainable and reliable
Made with sustainable raw materials. It protects the environment from the harmful effects of conventional treatments. FSC and PEFC certifications, it can be reused and recycled.

Rezistenta la razele UVA

Resistance to UVA rays
It constitutes the state-of-the-art coating. Natural insulation. The process does not compromise the natural beauty of the wood.

Models and colors

Accoya® solid wood cladding panels are available in 21mm framed models and in cherry , mahogany and chestnut colors .